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FAQs: How to Choose the Perfect Plant

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How do I log in?

Visit the course sign in page, here, and enter your email address and password.

What if I forgot my password?

No problem! You must reset your password. If you signed up anytime after August 15th, 2022, enter your email address on this page, and follow the instructions to reset your password.
If you signed up on or before August 15th, 2022, I used a different platform. This means that if you forgot your password, you will need to create a new account, here (Apologies for any inconvenience! Software is exhausting, I'm sure you understand. I had to change to a different platform).

How do I change my password?

If you signed up anytime after August 15th, 2022, enter your email address on this page, and follow the instructions to change your password.
If you signed up on or before August 15th, 2022, I used a different platform. This means that if you forgot your password, you will need to create a new account, here. (Apologies for any inconvenience! Software is exhausting, I'm sure you understand. I had to change to a different platform).

What if I forgot the email address I used to sign up?

IMPORTANT: If you signed up for an account on or before August 15th, 2022, I have since switched this free mini course to a new platform. You will need to create a new account, here. (Apologies for any inconvenience! Software is exhausting, I'm sure you understand. I had to change to a different platform).
Otherwise, start by searching your inbox for "choose the perfect plant." The email address you used will be the same email address that any course related emails were sent to. Again, if you received this email on or before August 15th, you will still need to create a new account, here. 
Alternatively, you can go to the password reset page, here, and enter the email address you think you may have used. You will receive a password change request email if you have an account under that email address. Consider testing multiple until you find the right one.

Finally, if you can't figure out the email address you used, you can sign up for a new account, here. It's free, so it's no problem!

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

Besides the first few automatic emails you received when you first signed up, every other email will have an “unsubscribe” link at the very bottom of the email. This webpage may include an additional step, so be sure to follow it to confirm your unsubscription.

How long is the course?

 The course is about an hour long total. It is broken into 3 modules. The first and the last modules are the longest. You can watch the whole course all at once, or watch as much as you want, whenever you want.

Do I have to watch the whole course all at once?

Nope! This course is about an hour long total, but you can watch as much as you want, whenever you want. Many people will watch a module at a time and then take a break to do the homework assignment at that end of each module. 

Do I have to watch the course at certain times?

Nope! This video course is always available online, sign in any time to watch it. Take breaks and return to it whenever you want!

Who teaches the course?

Your instructor is Eve Hanlin (founder of Garden Project Academy), a horticulturist and landscape designer from the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States. Learn more about Eve, here!

How do I download the Plant Site Analysis Guide?

You can download the guide from the download link in the course portal (within the lecture named after the guide. Be sure to scroll down if you missed it). You can also download it by following this link, here.

How do I download the Perfect Plant Checklist?

You can download the checklist from the download link in the course portal (within the lecture named after the checklist. Be sure to scroll down if you missed it). There are two options: a google spreadsheet, and an excel spreadsheet.

You can download the google spreadsheet by following this link, here. Select "make a copy" and you will have a copy added to your Google Drive. You can revisit it by logging into Google Drive, or Google Sheets. If you want to export and save a copy to your computer, go to the "file" menu, select "Download," select "Microsoft Excel," and then proceed to save it to your computer. 

You can download the excel spreadsheet by following this link, here.

Can I access this course on my phone?

Yes! Just follow the link to sign in through your browser application on your phone. 

What if I have additional questions?

   Please reach out to